Informatic Errors and Horror Devices. Monstrosities of the Digital in Videofilia y otros síndromes virales (2015) and Uncanny Valley (2015)
Susana Wald “Woman in dream”


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This work analyzes the monster’s notion as an uncanny representation of the posthuman subjectivities in the digital era, in two Latin-American films of the recent years: the Peruvian director Juan Daniel F. Molero’s Videofilia: y otros síndromes virales (2015), and the Argentinian Federico Heller’s short film Uncanny Valley (2015). If, as it has been previously suggested, the monster is a cultural dispositive (Moraña, 2017) that shapes the anxieties of a time; and if it is also the readable body on which the cultural fears are inscripted (Cohen, 1996), in the digital era, the monster will appear as a fundamental sign to embody new fears and become itself the interface of horror.

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