Notes on inventiveness in recent Latin American Literature
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Marcelo Cohen
recent latin american narrative


From the reading of Marcelo Cohen’s Un año sin primavera, this essay thinks over the concern about ecology in contemporaneous literature, autofiction discourse and own limitations of the language in its evaluation of reality. Mirroring Cohen’s range and proposal with that stream of autofiction monotone literature that apparently stands out of the recent (up to date) literature, the linguistic and fantastic imagination appears as a key element that can be extrapolates to other recent narratives: Schweblin, Meruane, Geisse and others. To sum up, we can observe a current of strict experimentation as well as of imagination emphasize in recent Latin American Literature. Those are different narratives proposals that, however, join themselves in aesthetics and ethics explorations, as well as drafts futures or lives able to be imagined in a try to power, from the imagination, alternative regards in front of geopolitical and vital projects that self-design as unavoidable options of our present .

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