Star Wars, an Anti-capitalist Capitalistic Saga?
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Star Wars
citizen resistance


During the social mobilizations that took place in Chile, Colombia and many other countries in the world before and after December 2019, the participants displayed new symbols of struggle that could be interpreted as a shift in political imagery. Among these powerful images, instead of the hammer and sickle, it is necessary to highlight several references to a globalized popular culture that the youth were able to recover, divert or transcend —for example The Joker, V for Vendetta, La Casa de Papel, and, of course, Star Wars—. Taking into account the economic empire represented by the saga created by George Lucas in 1977 and managed since 2012 by the Walt Disney Company, it may seem paradoxical to proclaim that this galaxy not far away is a war song against contemporary capitalism. However, in the books, comics or video games that are added to the well-known universe of the movies, we can find the basis of a true critical thought that questions the relationships of domination, exploitation, exclusion or inequality that characterize the model of society rejected by the demonstrators of Plaza Italia, today Plaza de la Dignidad, in Santiago de Chile, and in so many other parts of our planet. 

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