From Yuri Lotman to Bertrand Westphal: Towards a Multifocal Representation of Cultures
Incluye Dossier: "Entre pasajes, escrituras e imágenes: proyecciones latinoamericanas de la Geocrítica”
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Cultural Semiotics


his paper aims to explore the farseeing contribution of the semiotician and literary theorist Yuri Lotman to the so-called spatial turn and, in particular, to the geocritical perspective. Taking into account Bertrand Westphal's words, according to whom "geocriticism is well present in the analysis of supposedly 'peripheral' areas, which contributes to relativize the 'marginality'" (Westphal 2007b: 329), emphasis will be placed here on Lotman's spatial-textual vision and its close relation with the semiotic-literary and cultural concept of boundary and "own-alien" space -vision resulting in what the French scholar would call a multifocal representation of reality.

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