Without Land or Language: Portuñol as an Affective Memory. Noite un Norte by Fabián Severo
Incluye Dossier: "Entre pasajes, escrituras e imágenes: proyecciones latinoamericanas de la Geocrítica”
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"Artigas has a language with no owner", says the poem "Nine" of Noite nu Norte by Fabián Severo, a book of poetry written in Portuguese, the author's mother tongue. It is interesting to note that there are already two editions and that both have different subtitles: Poems in Portuñol and Border Poetry, from 2010 and 2011 respectively. Severo defines himself as a border person, between two countries, from here and there, a mixture that thinks and feels in an intertwined way. The choice of Portuñol would then respond to his own identity, to the way he sees himself. But also to the feeling, that is to say to the affective part: it seems that only in Buenos Aires Fabián Severo can recover the voice of childhood, that voice of a child with which he recreates his own childhood at the intersection with the Other, in the space of the border.

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Behares, Luis. "Transliteraciones fronterizas", Noite nu Norte. Poemas en Portuñol. Montevideo: Ediciones del Rincón, 2010: 9-16.

Fleischer, Alain. L 'Accent, une langue fantôme. París: Editions du Seuil, 2005.

Foffani, Enrique. "Entrevista con Fabián Severo: en Montevideo, lejos de la frontera", Katatay, 10, La Plata, (2012): 50-55.

____."La frontera Uruguay-Brasil: Fabián Severo, el poeta sin gramática", Katatay, 10, La Plata, (2012): 43-49.

Guespin, Louis y Marcellesi Jean-Baptiste, "Pour la glottopolitique", Langages, 83, 1986: 5-34.

Hassoun, Jacques. L 'Exil de la langue. París: Point Hors Ligne, 1993. "Langue maternelle... Terre ultime?", Horizons maghrebins - Le droit à la mémoire, 16, (1991): 40-48.

Magris, Claudio. Trieste. Une identité de frontière. París: Editions du Seuil, 1991.

Perlongher, Néstor. "El portuñol en la poesía": Tsé Tsé, 7/8, Buenos Aires, (2000): 254-259.

Severo, Fabián. Noite nu Norte. Poemas en Portuñol. Montevideo: Ediciones del Rincón, 2010.

Viralata. Montevideo: Rumbo Editorial, 2015.

Entrevista televisiva: Entrevista televisiva: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnDFGUE2H_s (consultada el 25/10/2019)

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