Is the Reactivity a Political Imperative? Historical Transformations of the Temporalities in Chilean Newsmaking
Incluye Dossier: "Entre pasajes, escrituras e imágenes: proyecciones latinoamericanas de la Geocrítica”
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Journalistic Practices


In this essay, journalistic reactivity is considered as the practical and discursive capacity that journalists have to act quickly in response to the environment. This idea allows us to better understand the historical diversity of mediatization practices and the temporal displacement between the "event" and the news. A conceptual overview is then made on the journalistic temporalities in order to trace the idea of reactivity and its diachronic transformations in newsmaking. In order to question the political dimension of these transformations, a genealogical perspective is proposed that encompasses a multitude of hybrid media gestures, without following chronology, given that these articulate anachronisms, continuities and innovations.

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