The center of this work refers to the fictionalization strategies that organize the narrated world in Emiliano Monge's Las tierras arrasadas (The destroyed lands) (2015), in whose narrative flow, transtextuality, the story of a gang that traffics migrants, the testimonial discourse of those who survived a massacre, plus the insertion of fragments from Dante's "Hell". In this context, the problem that is addressed in this fictional space is the substratum of the novel orders, in which, although it concerns emigration, the fictional intrigue consists in the confrontation to death of gangs of human traffickers. Within this framework, the premise is maintained that a devastated social order that has naturalized violence is being questioned in Las tierras arrasadas. It is concluded then that, from the transtextuality, a story is elaborated that goes beyond the novel and compromises the outside of the literary word, with which Monge is assigned to a group of writers who propose new forms of writing in Latin America of the 21st century.
Monge, Emiliano (2015). Las tierras arrasadas. Barcelona: Random House.
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