Turing Test for Readers (Or of Our Sensitivity About Other Worlds)
Susana Wald “Woman in dream”
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Inscribing the artist in the myth of the creative genius, much has been said about the impossibility that machines would have to make art. However, numerous practices of generative art and poetry written by computers strain this idea to make it precise: What can a human (for example, in an author/reader role), that a machine cannot (yet) do? We will reflect from works that position themselves in this regard from a threshold of indistinction: authors who produce together with machines or software, and whose proposal is to camouflage machine production as if it were human production (we will maintain that there is a basic problem in that formulation), or productions whose intention is to deliberately and explicitly replace the author with a machine and thematize about it. In this work we are not so interested in establishing a substantial difference between humans and machines, but rather in noticing at least two possible attitudes towards artistic creation, which become revealing of our way of inhabiting the world. In short, art has always been a space of anticipation: learning to relate to this type of work trains us to identify and interpret the multiple layers of meaning that coexist within the framework of the algorithmic condition of the world we have created.

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