Romantic love, feminism and power: subjective repercussions on the contemporary couple
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gender difference
romantic love


From a psychoanalytic approach, considering Love Studies’s interdisciplinary fields, this article analyzes, through semi-structured interviews, the meanings Chilean heterosexual adult women and men between 18 and 65 years old, grant to gender difference with the purpose to explain their experiences regarding love, power and the influences of feminism in romantic relationships. As referred to women, a great tension appears between the imperatives of feminist politics and their own eroticism, between their sexual autonomy and the power of seducing. Men refer to power as a constant dialectic which produces certain privileges between contemporary couples’s development, this arouses the fear of being subjected or in disadvantage inside this power relationship. Taking it as a whole, we propose an emergent view of a love perspective able to dodge the classic illusion of harmony having to face phallic power logics in romantic relationships, this includes the production of differences as well as the acceptance of the otherness.

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