Grief work and transcendence of scalar dimensions in Patricio Guzmán and Terrence Malick’s movies
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Terrence Malick
Patricio Guzmán


In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of two movies, Nostalgia de la luz (2010), by Patricio Guzmán, and The tree of life (2011), by Terrence Malick, aiming at exploring the connection between the grief work for the loss of a loved one and scalar dimensions that exceed human scale, bringing forth, as a consequence, a sense of transcendence. We tell apart, in relation to the authorial subjectivity and the main characters, three key moments in grief evolution, based on what the movies represent: the search for a meaning, reparation and longing. Drawing upon the theory of scales, our hypothesis is that diverse scalar dimensions insert a perception of transcendence in this experience, adjusting and contributing to the grieving subject’s interiority reorganization and symbolization of loss.

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