Del ocho al infinito
PDF (Español (España))


music education
meaningful experiences
musical discovery
musical imagination

How to Cite

Lavanchy, C. (2015). Del ocho al infinito : Reflexiones en torno a experiencias musicales marcadoras. Neuma (Talca), 1, 84–99. Retrieved from


In this article the autor shares a series of personal experiencies regarding different people´s musical discoveries inside and outside the classroom. A call is made to be always alert and watchful in order to understand how each person connects with music; what discoveries are made, what the reactions are ; how participatation takes place and how these experiences and knowledges are explained. She shares some of here teaching stategies and experiences and proposes to face the problems that arise as a a source of new oportunities. The invitation is to aim at a vital music education ,centered on music making and reflection and conceiving music as a unique way of knowing, thinking and feeling of the human race.

PDF (Español (España))


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Swanwick, Keith (1999). Teaching music musically. USA-Canada: Routledge

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