Historia del Jazz en Osorno
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South Side Jazz Band

How to Cite

Delgado, H., & Álvarez, E. . (2015). Historia del Jazz en Osorno: El Jazz como instrumento social. Neuma (Talca), 1, 70–82. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/98


Despite the increase in journal articles on the relationship between music and history,  they are not yet sufficient. This work aims to create a new approach, something more concrete and synthetic, to what has been, in the contingent and contemporary practice this relationship. In this case, referring to local history, specific community that has developed in conjunction with jazz performers and the value that the latter have infused in the city of Osorno, leading to this musical style to various strata, both as social and different ages, producing a few times mainstreaming view such a long and uninterrupted time. Evidently, jazz osornino (if such it could be called free) responded and responds to political and social situations, of course, are no strangers to the jazz movement and at the same time, they have “cured” during the passage of time. If jazz was a revolution, it would be starting to invoke Fernand Braudel to observe changes that caused this new style of music in society-why not say worldwide.

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