El arte de la fuga de Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
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musical and numerical symbolism (B-A-C-H and number 14)

How to Cite

González Catalán, L. (2015). El arte de la fuga de Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750). Neuma (Talca), 1, 58–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/87


This paper deepens into the research of the speculations dealing with the last work Bach attempted to publish: The ensemble of fourteen fugues, individually called Contrapunctus, plus an appendix of four Canons of increasing complexity. There was distortion in the title of the work known today as Die Kunst der Fuge, or The Art of the Fugue. Many myths surround this work because of the style of impression called partitura, its state of apparent incompleteness, and the fact that the old master would have dictated the chorale “Before Thy Throne” in his deathbed.

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Butler, Gregory (1983). “Ordering problems in J. S. Bach’s Art of Fugue Resolved”, The Musical Quarterly LXIX

Gonzalez Catalán, Luis (2012). “La intencionalidad en el uso del n° 14 en la obra de Johann Sebastian Bach”, Neuma, año 5 Vol. 2, pp.10-30.

Kellner, Herbert Anton (1999). “Johann Sebastian Bach und Die Kunst der Fuga” en The Diapason, vol. 91, pp. 13.

Leonhardt, Gustav (1952). El Arte de la Fuga, Última Obra para Clavecín de Bach: Un punto de vista. Ediciones Martinus Nijhoff, La Haya. Obra re-editada en Francés por Éditions Van den Helde, 1985.

Notas de Jordi Savall a la grabación Hespérion XX en Marzo de 1986; remasterizado en Junio de 2001.

Revista Musical Chilena (RMCH) 022-23, Julio-Agosto de 1947, pp. 6-65.

Schmieder, Wolfgang (1950). Thematisch – Systematisches verzechnis der Musikalischen Werken von Johann Sebastian Bach. Wiesbaden: Bach Werke Verzeichnis. Breitkoppf & Härtel. Re-edición 1980.

Scweitzer, Albert (1955). J. S. Bach, el Músico-Poeta. Ricordi Americana. Traducción del francés de Jorge d’Urbano, pp. 2-171.

Tovey, Donald Francis (1931). A Companion to ‘The Art of Fugue’, Oxford University Press.

Wolff, Christoph (2000). Johann Sebastian Bach, The Learned Musician. New York: Norton & Company, pp. 449-50.



The Scrolling Bach Project, https://www.youtube.com/user/gerubach


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