Musical prophecy
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second world war

How to Cite

García Gómez , A. (2016). Musical prophecy: Historical framework for creation and reception of the seventh symphony "Leningrado" of Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich. Neuma (Talca), 2, 96–115. Retrieved from


Whit the German invasion to the Soviet Union in the Second World War, the soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich began a new composition’s project which will consolidated as the Seventh Symphony in C major op. 60, called “The Leningrad Symphony”. The story of creation and reception of this tragic and stormy work, dedicated to his native city, has not paragon in the universal history of music.

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Shostakovich, Maxim (2015). Interview in the Film: Leningrad and the Orchestra that Defied Hitler. Produced and Directed by Tim Kirby, Reef Television for BBC.

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