Difficulties in the practice time of the upper level piano student:
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higher education

How to Cite

Vela, M., & Tripiana, S. (2018). Difficulties in the practice time of the upper level piano student: : a qualitative study. Neuma (Talca), 2, 160–178. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/39


In the presence of frequent phenomena like the standardised or provided interpretation, already present from several decades in the musical scene, the teaching of instrumental interpretation should reflect on the difficulties of the students in the present and, particularly, in the use of study time. In this qualitative research, from a case study design, it is intended to delve into the reality of the interpretative difficulties of four upper level piano students in three European countries - Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom-, above all, during the time of practice through a process of collection of data from semi-structured interview, whose analysis, through the strategy of categorization, it offers an outcome perhaps promoted by the incessant noise and inertia of the media society in which we live: lack of concentration and listening, lack of effective strategies for study, etc. 

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