Intuitive Intonation
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artistic model

How to Cite

García Gómez, A. (2022). Intuitive Intonation: Aesthetic theory of musical intonation. Neuma (Talca), 2(2), 46–77. Retrieved from


This article is a breve analysis of intonation as an aesthetic category, that is, about the sensory knowledge of reality that we perceive through the intuition of movement. We examine the intuition of time and space as an aesthetic perception of the movement of things in nature and arts. In the inherent contraposition of space-time in artistic representation, we define in this analysis the intonation’s intuition of time in the pictorial art, just like the intonation’s intuition of space in music. By this definition, we can understand how we perceive not only the time but the unity of space-time in music,
overcoming aesthetic formalism that conceives music in only one dimension of time which measures itself, degrading music to a foolish joy of sensations without content, or to a pure entertainment.

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