Los esquemas encarnados y las metáforas de la Embodied Mind en la conceptualización musical en la educación infantil
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image schemata

How to Cite

Peñalba Acitores, A. (2009). Los esquemas encarnados y las metáforas de la Embodied Mind en la conceptualización musical en la educación infantil. Neuma (Talca), 1, 234–253. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/183


Using metaphor as a pedagogical tool for Music Education in infant stages has become increasingly intuitive and common in schools. Cognitive Sciences have generated models to underline the processes behind metaphorization such as Mark Johnson’s Embodied Mind. This theory deals with the image schemata underlying these metaphorical projections. This article analyzes some of the most frequently used bodily metaphors through the study of the image schemata involved in them, as a way to understand abstract domains in terms of others more concrete and structured.

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