Acerca de la cadencia frigia, la cadencia andaluza y la tonalidad menor
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How to Cite

Blasco, J. (2009). Acerca de la cadencia frigia, la cadencia andaluza y la tonalidad menor: Aproximaciones fundamentantes. Neuma (Talca), 1, 80–94. Retrieved from


This work explains how and why the harmony process of “Phrygian cadence” is the same as the one of “Andalusian cadence”.
The intention to demonstrate the origin of “Andalusian cadence” in flamenco chants “jondos”, referring to different melodic and harmonic theories related to ancient music, but without having in mind a minor mode at all its amplitude, analytical as well as methodological, is a fact that does not allow to  recognize it as a simple problem of amphibology “the other way around”, certain lack of precision, according to our criteria.

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