Jazz y creatividad


musical language

How to Cite

Cachinero Zagalaz, J., del Valle de Moya Martínez, . M., & Zagalaz Sánchez, M. L. (2010). Jazz y creatividad. Neuma (Talca), 1, 58–74. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/166


This article is the result of an investigation focused in showing the creativity contained in Jazz during the 1940’s. The peculiars essence and personality of Jazz join creativity and musical improvisation, sharing the same elements we can find in classical music. It’s possible to prove than Jazz improvisation depends on creativity, originality and the Jazzman musicianship. An Improviser controls the Jazz vocabulary, knows the tradition and is capable of enrich it and innovate it with his owns musical skills and creative capacities.


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