El análisis a través del boceto “Transpositio ad infinitum” de Klaus Huber
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historic musicology
through the sketch analysis technique
precompositional theory

How to Cite

Fernández Calvo, D. (2012). El análisis a través del boceto “Transpositio ad infinitum” de Klaus Huber. Neuma (Talca), 1, 62–86. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/144


The study of Klaus Huber´s Transpositio ad Infinitum represents an interesting casethat allows us to apply the through the sketch analysis technique. In this case, the elements of construction provided by the previous sketches, which were recovered thanks to the composer‘s donation of materials to the Sacher Foundation, are the only key to access a possible analysis. Without this donation, there would be no possibility of a comprehensive approach to this work. Through the sketches of Klaus Huber a poietic study of the musical text that allows the deepening of the approach is enabled. The data provided by this process allows a prospective of the production from the conception of the elaboration of materials that Huber will accomplish later through his approaches to electroacustic composition.

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