“Pobrecito Mortal...” o una pequeña Tragedia Popular
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Florcita Motuda
pop music
philosophy of music
musicology criticism

How to Cite

Carrasco Jiménez, E. (2012). “Pobrecito Mortal.” o una pequeña Tragedia Popular. Neuma (Talca), 2, 66–79. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/137


This article addresses the song “Pobrecito Mortal” by Florcita Motuda from the musicological and philosophical point of view of the critical component, showing it to be a short modern and popular tragedy. As such, it is possible to recognize similarities in form to Greek tragedy or dramas, from the point of view of the main character or “hero” as the lead “voice”; and that of the chorus which explains and in turn addresses the main character; and in the exposition of an exodus - in the same fashion as a tragedy - at the end of the song. It also makes it possible to find this recognition, now in the background, to be an inevitable event in the existence of this character and that anxiety: his fear of televised incidents to be able to feel the pleasure of that which removes him from tedium. This imports in itself a myth that explains something: the alienation of the subject in dictatorship.

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