Luigi Nono, El Caminante Dialéctico
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objective reality

How to Cite

Carrizo, V. P. . (2012). Luigi Nono, El Caminante Dialéctico. Neuma (Talca), 2, 32–50. Retrieved from


This paper examines how the composer faces address a compositional language at a particular point in history, rejecting the tendency to justify the use of serial technique as an ideological basis and adopting a creative approach that reflects a reality in which the human conflicts are a product of society. It exemplifies this approach through numerous examples that support their conception of the sound material is an objective reality, and the perception of sound generates a deeper understanding of the world and of men.

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Duarte Loza, Daniel (2007). “Sobre Liebeslied de Luigi Nono” Versión electrónica disponible en:

Raposo, Juan José Martín (2009). Luigi nono. Epitafios lorquianos. Estudio musicológico y analítico. Hergue editora andaluza.

Pareyón, Gabriel (2007). “Il canto sospeso de Luigi Nono. Forma intuida, forma cierta, transfinita”. Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información Musical “Carlos Chávez” Versión electrónica disponible en: Fecha de último acceso: 25/07/2012

Pestazzolla. Luigi (1963). “Luigi Nono” Revista Musical Chilena. Vol. 17, N. 85. Fecha de último acceso: 25/07/2012

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