¿La música más acá o las palabras más allá?
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symbolic system

How to Cite

Eisner S., G. . (2013). ¿La música más acá o las palabras más allá? el controversial vínculo entre música y lenguaje verbal. Neuma (Talca), 1, 30–46. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/126


The present article review the interaction between music and word, based on literature coming from both fields: musicology and art theory. Particularly, similarities and differences between both of them are revised. Each of the symbolic systems are studied by considering their interaction from the point of view of three key concepts: signification power; material characteristics; and time as the structuring element.

One hypothesis is evaluated: the musical works that take place in this middle ground field are named “words set into music”. Here, the elements that form this critical interaction will find new meanings.

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