Educación Musical y Género
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music education
classroom curricula

How to Cite

Valdebenito Carrasco, L. . (2013). Educación Musical y Género: Una perspectiva inclusiva desde el currículum de aula. Neuma (Talca), 2, 58–66. Retrieved from


Despite the importance of gender issues in education and teaching processes, these have not been fully integrated into the curricula and classroom practices. This paper deals with the problem of gender in music education, and proposes to approach it in all levels from an inclusive perspective - that is to say, taking into consideration both ‘male’ and ‘female’ gender constructs from music as a standing point. Such perspective would help music education to contribute to the awareness of the students’ ‘gender’ and ‘other’ constructs - preventing, in time, the consequences of an education that polarizes these categories. 

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