El aprendizaje musical en el samba de Roda da Bahía
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samba de roda
intangible heritage
music education

How to Cite

Döring, K. (2014). El aprendizaje musical en el samba de Roda da Bahía: Una conexión entre la Educación Musical y la Etnomusicología. Neuma (Talca), 1, 64–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.utalca.cl/index.php/neuma/article/view/113


The fields of music education and ethnomusicology in academic research are getting more closer in the way that Brazil like many other Latin-American countries are trying to honor and integrate the oral music traditions of African and Amerindian roots as cultural heritage and special contents for arts and music in basic school. This paper works out in a very resumed way some of the most important aspects of my PhD thesis and is also the result from long and continuous relationship of research and cultural production with the universe of samba de roda in the Recôncavo baiano. Through the life stories of several elderly samba masters are worked out, some qualities and characteristics of organic musical learning in the cultural context of oral and Afro-Brazilian tradition which had been deprived from formal education, but reveals a lot of esthetic and sensible forms of musical transmission and personal growth and wisdom.

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