Soy Minero Señorita
PDF (Español (España))


coal miner
popular repertoire

How to Cite

Uribe Ulloa, H. (2014). Soy Minero Señorita: Canciones populares del minero del carbón de la región del Biobío Chile. Neuma (Talca), 2, 120–140. Retrieved from


This text is done to reveal the poetic - ancient musical legacy of singers and singers of the mining area of the Gulf of Arauco, through a natural custom within the mine and the mining district. Their daily life, celebrations, social struggles and way of understanding the world are going to be reflected in the popular repertoire, with accents of an identity that is generated and strengthening over time.

Through interviews, musical analysis and documentation of the time, the research was structured, allowing us to identify some representative musicals types. The coal miner was incorporating these repertoires to his work as a genuine form of popular expression, bequeathing this valuable musical poetic heritage to new generations.

PDF (Español (España))


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Archivo de Cultura Tradicional (09 – 09 – 2013)

Cancionero Popular Minero. Ejemplos Musicales interpretados por cultores. (27 – 10 – 2013).

La hija del penal. Helenita Vargas (10 – 10 – 2013).

La zarzuela. Raquell Meller (10 – 10 – 2013).

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